Once we have these facts about you, we open your account. The only people at GrandBridge Energy who see your information are those employees who need to see it to do their jobs. All employees who work with customers’ information have been trained and understand the privacy rules and why they are important. Your information is protected while it is with us. If we have paper files about you, they are stored in locked filing cabinets. If the information is electronic, it is protected by security firewalls—employees who need to see it must log in with a secure username and password.
If we hire an outside company to work for us, we ensure that the company understands our privacy rules and why they are important. Anyone doing work for us who does not work at GrandBridge Energy must sign a contract that includes their abiding by privacy and confidentiality rules as part of the agreement. Those companies and organizations only see the information they need to do the job we have hired them. For example, we work with our Customer Information System (CIS) software provider to deliver updates to the software and make changes to ensure we meet regulatory changes. GrandBridge Energy has strict protocols before the software provider is provided access to make changes to the system, and the agreement includes confidentiality and privacy language to safeguard our customers’ information.